Saturday, January 14, 2017

Log Waterfall

Post 8

Log Waterfall

This project was started purely out of boredom.  I can't remember what made me think of this but it just popped in my head that I have never seen a waterfall made out of logs. I have seen log waterfalls but not made of actual logs. While I was at my cousin's house I noticed a pile of logs on the side of his garage so I figured why not.

I started trying to cut the log length wise with a chainsaw but the blade was terrible so instead I reverted back to spitting it with a wedge and sledge. I split a few logs and bored out a bowl in the big log. 

Stacked the logs on top of each other. it was not very easy to secure them however a few nails and ledger locks later the logs were attached nicely and bored out a little pathway down the logs for the water to follow.

I had all the logs bored out and secured to the base now I needed a way for the water to be introduced to the top of the fall without it spraying all over the place. I took a smaller log piece and drilled the center out now this small log piece was to be mounted to the top on an angle so that the water would leak out to the correct spot. After I spay the whole thing down with poly and sealed the base the best I could with some silicone.

Now the pump was in place and the water was flowing nicely The waterfall came out way better then I thought I would and from this point on I had a nice working waterfall made of actual logs. My cousin and his at the time wife to be also loved the way it looked so much they sat it right above their guest sign in book for their wedding.

Hope you enjoyed reading and for more pictures and projects you can check out my website 

Also you can check out my Steampunk Blog and my terrible Video Game Blog
or my YouTube channel 

Have a great day and thanks for reading.

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